Friday, March 28, 2008

Family of Six

Life as a full time mom is busy. Full time as in 24 hours a day. And with 8 or so of those hours being just on call, it STILL works out to be approximately 112 hours a week of waking busy hours. So when I ask rhetorically, at any given hour of the day, "Why in the world am I SO tired??".... I remember that I am a FULL TIME Mom. :)

Kris, too, puts in many hours a day taking kids with him on errands and visits, cooking, and being an attentive husband and Daddy. He loves all his little "arrows" and the fact that his quiver is filling!

It is a joy for all of us to now be a family of six. Love is abundant (though time and energy are not always!) and we revel in the blessing and delight of it.

Here's a new photo of little Haleh and her doughy soft milk belly:

1 comment:

Ki said...

Yay for her large belly!!