Oh how I miss our camera! (It was one of the items stolen from our house a few weeks ago.) I have so many pictoral things to share...and the kids are getting big!
Kris (with some help) just finished pouring the concrete slab under our house. It looks great and the kids have been so enjoying having a place where they can play out of the rain, riding their scooters and drawing with sidewalk chalk. (remember that massive box of it, Ki?) Over the next 6 weeks or so, it will be transformed into a little apartment and a big classroom. Yay!
The boys have been enjoying their new life jackets. (Thanks M & D!) Even though it looks a bit funny, I let them wear them on the beach at high tide. I get nervous having all 3 kids to watch! Plus, I have to spend most of the time pulling coral and shells out of Myah's mouth. She particularly loves sand, and EATS it by the mouthful, like shove-swallow. She actually made a whole diaper full of it once, and since then, I try to pull it out faster than she can put it in!
Well, Kris and I are off to Suva for the day. Myah is our little errand buddy, and J & J will stay at the house with wonderful Aggie! They are very excited to have a day of just playing. I cannot possibly describe to you how bright and colorful this day is here. Our hibiscus in full bloom juxtaposed against the brilliant green and blue that surround us....amazing. And the best is that it is all the creativity of our God, whose ways and thoughts are so high above ours.... Vinaka Jisu..