....(or Sunday or the Sabbath in Fijian)... Well a few minutes turned into a whole day. I was literally falling asleep sitting up last night with all three kids romping around me wildly- Myah even woke back up to join in the fun. So I fell into bed as soon as they finally gave up for the night!
The crazy week -
-2 guests with huge appetites in our little house!
-lots of rain and even more muddy, moldy laundry!
-sorting out and reboxing all of our "stuff"!
-realizing our house had been burglarized!
-Kris sharing Jesus with the thief! and getting my iPod back!
So its been a big one. I am not easily brought to tears, but this week did it for me a few times. It's probably healthy to empty out the tear ducts I guess! The Lord is so in control and so faithful. His plan for our lives really is the best, and I'm thankful that we're in that precious place of submission. Yes, every day, every moment, I have to choose to trust and obey. And sometimes I flop. But His gentle love always draws me back to His arms....
Hey, have any of you heard the Superchic[k] song "We Live"? We just got the WOW 2007 CD from one of our supporting churches, CCM, and it's on there. Cool! Another stoked kind of song I love is "Thirteen" by Matthew West. Yeah!
Okay I think that's all for today, time to start getting the kiddies in bed. Nite-nite. ;O